Privacy Policy


Training on the Go and its affiliated partners are required to collect, utilise, store, and disclose various personal information from students, employees, and stakeholders. We are committed to upholding the privacy and confidentiality of all student and personnel records.

Anonymity and Pseudonymity:

Individuals have the option to remain anonymous when dealing with us, except when enrolling in nationally recognised training courses.

Collection of Personal Information:

  • We collect information provided during enrollment in accredited courses or employment with us. This may include personal and sensitive details such as name, address, contact information, demographics, etc.
  • Information may also be collected from employers, job service providers, or other organisations for training and assessment purposes.

Dealing with Unsolicited Information:

We only collect, use, and store information directly related to training, assessment, or employment. Any unsolicited information is securely disposed of.

Notification of Information Collection:

Students and employees are informed whenever information is collected or sourced from third parties.

Use or Disclosure:

Information is used solely for training and assessment purposes and may be disclosed to relevant organisations such as registering bodies, government bodies, employers, etc.

Direct Marketing:

  • Personal information will never be sold to third parties.
  • We may use personal information to market further training and assessment only with consent.

Cross-border Disclosure:

Personal information will not be disclosed outside of Australia without express written consent.

Government Related Identifiers:

Government-related identifiers will only be used for their explicit purpose and will not be used to identify individuals without consent.

Quality of Information:

We ensure that collected information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete.

Security of Information:

Personal and sensitive information is safeguarded against unauthorised access, misuse, loss, or disclosure.

Destruction of Information:

Information is securely destroyed when no longer needed.

Access to Information:

Individuals may request access to their information at any time free of charge.

Correction of Information:

Individuals can request corrections to their information if they believe it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Proposed T&C for Training on the Go

These terms and conditions are between by Training on the Go (ABN: 73 887 136 464), and You (or Your), being the user of the website

Your use of the website and any associated submission of enquiries through this website, email or telephone enquiry are subject to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions regarding these Terms & Conditions, you may contact [email protected]

We may amend these Terms & Conditions at any time by posting a revised version of these Terms and Conditions on this website.


We disclaim any liability that might arise from Your use of the website or our phone service.

You are under no obligation to accept to meet or engage our company.

Third party links and advertising

The website may contain advertisements by third parties from time to time, as well as links to third party websites. We own the copyright contained on the website and some content may be licensed to us by a third party. You may print pages from the website but you may not use, copy or reproduce it in any way. Those third parties links do not form part of the Training on the Go’s website and are not under its control or its responsibility. A link on this website to another third party website does not imply our recommendation or endorsement.

Before disclosing Your personal information on any third party website or engaging their services, we recommend You to examine the terms and conditions of those websites and any related services.

No advice

The articles and information on this website are intended for general information purposes only. Nothing on this website constitutes or is intended to constitute investment, financial, property or building advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. We strongly encourage You to seek independent professional, legal and building advice before making any investment decisions.

Training on the Go and its officers, employees, related entities or its representatives do not make any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information or its suitability for use for any purpose. Training on the Go and its officers, employees or its representatives accept no responsibility in any way (including by reason of negligence) for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) incurred by You as a result of any error, omission or misrepresentation in any of the information in the website or those of the third parties that provide material for use on the website.